A dachshund's super cute long body also makes them prone to back problems. Sometimes dogs do end up in wheelchairs, but Dachshund Haus Rescue is working hard to help as many as possible get back on their feet! The Chariots of Fire are our current wheelchair bound cuties, but we're hopeful that many, if not all, will one day walk on their own. Bluebell used to be one of our Chariots of Fire, but we're happy to say that after many chiropractic sessions she's back on her feet again. Check out her story, along with before/after videos, here.
Dobie came to us from Illinois. He was going to be euthanized the next morning but a good friend of the rescue made arrangements for him to be picked up. Dobie was one of our special rescues flown to us by Bryan Ede! The original plan was for his foster mom to keep him part time (on weekends) and he would stay at the animal hospital during the week for treatments. He was in rough shape. His belly was severely burned from urine that the vet that had him let him sit in for 10 days. He was not wagging his tail or moving his legs at all when he came to the rescue. He needed to be in a home so he started staying at his foster mom's all week long. They fell in love instantly. Now after months of treatments he wags his tail like crazy and his back legs have so much movement. He even kicks when his foster family tickles the pads on his back legs. He is the sweetest dog. When his foster mom leaves the house he cries at the door and he will get one of her slippers and lie on his blanket with it. He does the same with his foster dad's slippers when he leaves. He is super fast in his wheelchair. He demands full attention from everyone in the room when he rolls in, and he is so social. He loves everyone. He’s super smart too, and follow commands very well. We believe Dobie is between 6-8 years old. He is a brindle doxie and his foster mom thinks he's the most gorgeous little boy ever!
Biscuit came to rescue after she was abused. She is paralyzed from being thrown against a wall. She had to stay in the shelter for 8 months to serve as evidence, without treatment for her paralysis. When she came to the rescue they tried hyperbaric treatment for 2 months. She remains paralyzed, but still has many special talents! She can howl, she has a cool pink wheelchair she gets around in, gives the best kisses, she loves to be dressed up in clothes, and she has stole the hearts of many.
Murphy had two previous homes. Both homes were good, but due to the owners being unable to give him the care he needed he was surrendered . He walks sometimes on all four feet, however, he can get around on just two really fast. He wears a diaper as he has lost control of his bladder. Number 2 is also an issue. He has alopecia . The most hair he has in on the back of his neck. His foster mom has put him on high quality food and it seems as though some of his hair is coming back. He has also put on some weight . That's a good thing since he's a little on the thin side.
None of his special needs get him or his foster mom down. He is an absolute joy to have around. He gets along great with his other foster sibling (another doxie). His face will melt your heart and he loves to cuddle and give kisses. He also enjoys chasing a laser light kinda like a cat would.